How to work democratically in our classrooms? Video-sharing cooperative research group

Submitted by Claude Beaunis on 06/02/16 – 10:25
How to work democratically in our classrooms? Video-sharing cooperative research group.
This workshop captures the theme of the RIDEF on these points:
How to work democratically in our classrooms? How to educate our children to citizenship? How does participatory democracy reflect on mathematics / language learning / arts and expression /exploration ...? How does Freinet pedagogy take place concretely in the various subjects / activities in our schools?

To the presidents of francophone countries movements

Submitted by Claude Beaunis on 23/12/15 – 09:52
To the presidents of francophone countries movements
Dear  friends
we want the RIDEF 2016 in Benin is as rich as possible and participated with  suggestions and proposals that can delight the African  teachers   and us also.
A RIDEF in Benin is a unique opportunity for groups who recognize themselves in the FIMEM and also for the African continent.