Gespeichert von François Perdrial am Di., 15.04.2014 - 18:12


National Aktivities of the PSAPF (Poland) 
         2012 - 2014
The PSAPF – Freinet pedagogy  annually organizes Poland-wide conferences which are part of a yearly schedule of events of the Association and they are held every year in the third ten days of September. About 150 teachers take part in these conferences. Two conferences were held between 2012 and 2014.
Between the 21st and the 23rd of September, 2012, a conference was organized in Katowice. It was titled “Tracing the Relics of Technology – the Experience of Seeking” [„Szlakiem zabytków techniki – doświadczenia poszukujące”]. Another conference was held in Wrocław between the 20th and the 22nd of September, 2013. Its subject area was “Discovering Value in Educational Undertakings Inspired by C. Freinet’s Education Methodology” [„Odkrywanie wartości w działaniach edukacyjnych inspirowanych pedagogią C. Freineta”]. Both conferences were concerned with the everlasting values to be found in Freinet’s words – cooperation, socialisation, creativity, discovery, responsibility, and planning as well as equality for both boys and girls. Teachers who had participated in the RIDEF – in Spain in 2012 – shared their experiences and knowledge with other teachers during both of the conferences.
On 20 April, 2013, a Primary School in Moszczanka was named after Halina Semenowicz – a pioneer of the Freinet educational movement in Poland – which was an important event the PSAPF was involved in. The event was celebrated with a solemn ceremony of handing a standard over to the School. Representatives of the Freinet educational movement in France were invited to attend the event – among others Mireille Jarlut and Michel Mulat were present as well as Peter Steiger from Switzerland. A film by Michel Mulat was shown for the first time, which depicted the life and educational work of Halina Semenowicz. The Polish Freinet educational movement is very grateful to Michel Mulat for the effort, involvement, and outstanding work put into the film. Michel Mulat is both the producer and director of the film. Furthermore, a speech by Peter Steiger, a representative of the School’s patron, entitled “Halina Semenowicz that I Remember” as well as the one delivered by Michel Mulat on unrestrained creativity of a child generated interest.
Three weeks later – on 11 May, 2013, a seminar was held in Warsaw: “Selected Educational Categories in the work of a Teacher-Freinet follower” [„Wybrane kategorie pedagogiczne w pracy nauczyciela - freinetowca”]. The seminar was dedicated to Zofia Napiórkowska, the initiator and leader of the Group of Founders of the Polish Association of Initiators of Célestin Freinet’s Education Methodology and the chairwoman of the PSAPF for many years. She personally attended the seminar regardless of incontinences arising from an illness. Zofia Napiórkowska passed away on 3 December, 2013. She was a close associate of the pioneer of the Freinet educational movement in Poland – Halina Semenowicz.
Two publications concerning Education Methodology developed by Célestin Freinet and the Freinet educational movement in Poland were issued by the Association in recent years: “The grandchildren of Freinet” [„Wnuki Freineta”] – by Małgorzata Kaliszewska and Magdalena Krzywda, (Kraków-Gniezno, 2012) and “Going through Life with Pedagogy of C. Freinet” [„Przez życie z pedagogiką C. Freineta”] – edited by Małgorzata Kaliszewska in cooperation with Regina Chorn, Maria Kościuszko, and Kazimiera Michalczak (Kraków-Gniezno, 2013).
In February 2014, the General Meeting of the PSAPF appointed a new Management Board; Kazimiera Piwko was appointed new Chairwoman of the Association.
More information on the activity of the Polish Association of Initiators of Freinet’s Education Methodology may be found on an Internet website:
Drawn up by: Regina Chorn
Translation by: Kamila Ruszkiewicz