RIDEF multicultural evening

RIDEF multicultural evening Virginie Marechal 27/07/14 – 01:00

Programme of the evening



First group : BRAZIL

About 40 Brasilian people, men, women and children, have shown us a folk dance, the QUADRILHA, that happens in traditional fiestas taking place in June, to celebrate  harvest and marriage. Couples are dancing together, in line or in a round.


Second group : SWEDEN

The Swedish  moment was a presentation entitled "Freinet in  Sweden" :  schools,  website, annual meetings, newspaper ( Kaprifol), webnews (No limit…), political events, annual democracy open-mind award... About 30 Swedish people were on stage.  Photos of Swedish Freinet schools : Tallbacken Skolan, Hugin, Kastanienskolan in Stockholm, Drakbergskolan in Goteborg, Freinetskolan i Lund ...

Welcome to Sweden 2018 ! In Ljungskile … If you want.


Third group : BENIN

After a presentation of the country : a video introducing Benin as "a laboratory of democracy in Africa", "country of dreams and evasion" … and of  motor-bike taxis :), we could see two traditional dances.

An invitation to meet  in 2016, in Benin …


Fourth group : SWITZERLAND

The Swiss group has shown us a collection of Swiss paintings, that were hanging in many apartments during the 70s and 80s, illustrating the changes in the environment during 20 years.

And today ? And the children ? And our work at school ?


Fifth group : MEXICO

A presentation of the political context. In 2013, drastic measures and a severe educative reform have badly damaged Mexican teachers conditions of working. Protests, demonstrations have followed. The fight is still going on to defend the right to be educated by trained educators.

"Education pública, gratuita, laica, para tod@s" , "la reforma educativa es un engaño" , "Construyend la otra education"... 

A letter to Sophie, a daughter, waiting for her mother, fighting for the cause, with courage.

Felipe, why are you not a "normal" teacher, living a still and quiet life ?

As a conclusion, the Mexican group reminded us that "an educative action is mainly political". 


Sixth group : GEORGIA

The two representative of Georgia have presented a song for peace,  happiness, love, friendship…  all over the world.


Belgique - Belgium - Belgio - Bélgica

Belgique - Belgium - Belgio - Bélgica Arnout Vandecappelle 30/07/14 – 18:45

 Présentation de la Belgique lors d'une soirée multiculturelle.