Maybe we can call it "magic" ... Back in Reggio Emilia ?

Maybe we can call it "magic" ... Back in Reggio Emilia ? Virginie Marechal 02/08/14 – 12:06

Friday, the 1st of August

Hey mummy, is the RIDEF over ? 

Yes, it is.
Shall we come back in Reggio Emilia in two years for the next RIDEF?
No, the next RIDEF will take place in Benin.

Does it mean that we will never see Reggio Emilia again ? 

Never say never.

 After all, there are so many good reasons to come back to Reggio Emilia City... Here's a short list ...
Meet again  Pietro Ruozzi, the mini bus driver, on time and friendly, who took care of the feet and the legs of the RIDEF members
Visit Reggio Emilia international Comics school,  Via Roma, whose students learn and invent comics that Italian people love and read.
Fully understand the Reggio Children experiment, based on Center Loris Malaguzzi, which is such an important place, a reference in the Italian Freinet movement history ?
Eat again the good meals served with grace and courtesy, two famous qualities among Reggio Emilia citizens...
Two qualities that children also call "magic" ....