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Submitted by Claude Beaunis on 10/01/11 – 10:12




Octobre-Novembre 2009/ October-November 2009

 Prise de notes/Secretary: Luba Kolebinova ; p. 3.2.2 Patricia Despaquis et Claire Gauthier

Corrections: Elke Hofmann

Traduction/Translation, distribution: Luba Kolebinova


The President’s letter


Freinet Pedagogy: An answer to the new challenges of the Planet?

"Dear friends," I was born in 1992. You spoke for all my life. You can not tell me that you need more time."
Christina is 17 and lives in the Solomon Islands, a country whose very existence is threatened by rising sea levels in coming years. These are her words when she addressed participants at the Climate Summit in Copenhagen.

Around 3,000 vigils sponsored by Avaaz in 136 countries in all corners of the globe organized an event on Saturday, December 12th to say loud and clear: "The world wants an agreement” – fair deal, ambitious and binding. This means an emergency brake at the growing issue of greenhouse gas emissions by 2015, 200 billion in financing for developing countries and a legal binding for all nations.

Let us unite our thoughts at the Nantes RIDEF to say, from our pedagogy, what we do to create awareness in children and young people and stop the deterioration of the planet.

Let us bring our experience and our practical actions to reduce the tons of garbage that modern society produces, gradually polluting and killing life on the planet.

How to expand our activities in a world where the crisis imposes on us every day new problems, where members of the least developed countries have more difficulties to find us?

Our challenges are to find answers in different use of technology. Today, the BD works hard in the virtual space. Organizations like Avaaz publicise their efforts also in Internet. Will the FIMEM ever find the answer to the economic difficulties of its members in virtual space?

Best wishes for a good rest in these December days so you can renew your strength, your intentions and motivation to continue the struggle for a liberating education, cooperative and respectful for our children and young people.


Teresita Garduño Rubio




from the meeting of the FIMEM Board of Directors

on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 30 and 31st October and 1st November 2009

in Nice, France


PRESENT: Teresita Garduño Rubio, Elke Hofmann, Mamadou Demba, Michel Mulat and Luba Kolebinova as well as Patricia Despaquis and Claire Gauthier, 31st October – representatives of the RIDEF 2010 organizing team.
Many thanks to Mireille Jarlut and Michel Mulat for organizing this meeting in Nice.
Thanks to Patricia and Claire for their participation and for the Minutes - p.3.2.2.

- Financial Report FIMEM and Preliminary Budget RIDEF 2010:

You can find the Financial Report of the FIMEM from december 21st 2009 as attachment of the e-mail and at the website of the FIMEM.

You can also find the Preliminary Budget of the RIDEF 2010 in Nantes, France, at the website of the FIMEM.

- Movement subscriptions (member fees):

Elke has sent e-mails to the movements in September and the subscriptions she has received meantime for 2009-2010 are from:

EPB Belgium, AFP Denmark, GGUS Japan, ABreM-ABDEPP Brazil, MEPA Mexico, PSAPF ABEM Benin (for 2009), ARSM Romania, AFR Russia, ASEM Senegal.

The movements that have not paid their subscriptions until 2008 are:

2003-2008 – Santa Catarina (Brazil), Estonia;

2004-2008: Nova Escola Calega (Spain);

2005-2008: FBV (Belgium), Hungary and MMEM (Mexico);

2007-2008: Panama.

Elke will continue to send another appeal to the movements to pay their subscriptions.

- Benefit of the RIDEF 2008 in Mexico:

Congratulations and once more many thanks to the organisation group of the RIDEF in Mexico.The FIMEM received 60% of the benefit of the RIDEF: 9680 Euro (see sections 14 and 15 of the Internal Regulation).

MEPA Mexico will also transfer the 10% of the income from the participants of the RIDEF.

- Expenses for the BD meetings:

The BD MEETING IN MEXICO was very expensive (8050,02 Euro) and not all movements have paid by now. Bulgaria paid 140 EUR, MEPA Mexico 60 Euro, Senegal 40 Euro and Germany (Freinet-Kooperative) 534,52 Euro (Freinet-Kooperative: 234,52 Euro; Elke Hofmann 300 Euro solidarity). France and Switzerland haven't paid yet.

The movements paid their participation for the BD meeting in Nantes: 100 Euro Bulgaria, Germany 175 Euro, Mexico 100 Euro, Senegal 60 Euro. The whole meeting cost 2528,38 Euro.

The movements also paid their participation for the BD meeting in Nice: Bulgaria 95 Euro, Germany 124,75 Euro, Mexico 120 Euro, Senegal 40 Euro. The whole meeting cost 2562,01 Euro.
The BD decided to pay the accommodation (one night) and the dinner of Patricia and Claire - representatives of the GLEM, group co-organizer of the RIDEF in Nantes.

Elke has sent a message to the movements and asked them to pay their parts for the BD meetings.

Movements and groups or individuals are requested for the money due to make bank transfers to the FIMEM rather than send cheques. This is to reduce bank charges.

Here are the FIMEM bank accounts:

Sparkasse Freiburg, Postfach 1170, 79011 Freiburg, Germany
Account holder: FIMEM
IBAN (International Bank Account Number): DE11680501010012641275
BIC / SWIFT (Bank International Code): FRSPDE66
Credit Mutuel, 31 Boulevard de Blossac, F-86100 Chatellerault?? France - FIMEM
IBAN: FR76 1574 9364 2000 0107 5440 254 (International)
RIB: 15749 36420 00010754402 (from France), BIC: CMCIFR2A

* SOLIDARITY FOR THE RIDEF OF METEPEC - in the previous INFOR in the item concerning solidarity from different countries the sum of EUR 100 paid by Giancarlo for Italy was missing – thanks to Italy for this solidarity.
* A SOLIDARITY DOCUMENT concerning this issue was prepared by the BD (in the FIMEM site since November). While based on art. 16 of the Internal Regulation and knowing that the movements make the lists of persons who need solidarity support, the BD provides some criteria in this document and some possible directions to follow for finding sums of solidarity.
* Freinet Kooperative sent to the FIMEM BD a LETTER ON SOLIDARITY as well - it was mentioned in INFOR 56 of Nantes. The German movement had questions about functionning and the future of RIDEF. The BD prepared a reply to FK members to inform them of what has been done before the meeting in Nice and of the new proposals for the future functioning of the FIMEM. (See the FIMEM site)

* The Mexicans are working on the preparation of a book with the documentation from the RIDEF.
Very few participants have sent their impressions of the RIDEF although Isolda has asked them several times to do so.
* The MEPA transferred 60% due to FIMEM - 9680 EUR.

Since the official launching of the RIDEF in April 2009 the organizers have had several meetings - in commissions and meetings with representatives of the Agricultural College, the Museum of Fine Arts ...
Most commissions for the preparation of the RIDEF are working and making progress.
The RIDEF program is in preparation and in December includes:
- Long workshops - 6 mornings for work in long workshops; the workshops that have been registered since now are:
Children's Rights - Le Gal
Freinet Pedagogy in education for adults - De Clercq
Streaming Video - Mulat
Destruction of our school - Cavinato
Education on differences - MCE
- Short workshops - 3 afternoons in two series each;
- A Forum Day;
- Tribute to The Bohec;
- Visit of the Museum of Fine Arts;

- Excursion Day – during each excursion a Freinet class will probably be seen;
- Basic groups - 6 meetings;
- General Assembly - 3 sessions;
- Language groups;
- Evenings: multicultural, music, reception at the Town Hall of Nantes ...
The RIDEF logo is prepared as well as the RIDEF poster which is priced at one euro each. To receive some (5 posters at least) send an email to
ridef2010@icem-freinet.org and you can order as many copies as you wish. (Free shipping).
Subscriptions for the RIDEF 2010 (9 nights from Tuesday, July 20th to Thursday, July 29th)
* Privileged countries “A” (U.S. and Canada, EU (except countries of the former Soviet bloc) plus Norway and Switzerland, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan)
- Single rooms in the school
person not member of a FIMEM movement: EUR 450
person member of a FIMEM movement: EUR 420

young people 18-25 years not members of a FIMEM movement: 330 EUR
young people 18-25 years members of a FIMEM movement: 300 EUR
teenagers 16-18 years: EUR 250
children 3-16 years: EUR 250
children up to 3 years of age: free
- Camping
person not member of a FIMEM movement: EUR 420
person member of a FIMEM movement: 400 EUR
- Specific case: in hotel – for those who would like to be at a hotel – please, contact Odile Perdrial operdrial@numericable.fr

Solidarity - donation to help the arrival of a participant from countries below: (proposed EUR 20)
Extra night before or after the RIDEF EUR 20
Payment: It is requested that all those living outside France to avoid bank charges by using transfers and paying the full amount at the time of registration. For others a deposit of 30% is requested.
* Underprivileged countries "B" et "C" (South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, rest of Asia)
- In the rooms of the school:
person not member of a FIMEM movement: 330 EUR
person member of a FIMEM movement: 300 EUR

young people 18-25 years: EUR 250
adolescents 16-18 years: EUR 220
children 3-16 years: EUR 220
children up to 3 years of age: free
- Camping
person not member of a FIMEM movement: 310 EUR
person member of a FIMEM movement: 270 EUR
Specific cases (out of France): reduction of 20 EUR for a payment if there are at least 3 persons in the group subscription.
Solidarity - not obligatory
Number of persons in rooms: 250
(Sheets and blankets are provided in the room)
Number of people in camping: 100
Hotels in city: on demand
3.2.2 MEETING WITH THE LYON GROUP – co-organizer of the RIDEF 2010: Patricia Despaquis and Claire Gauthier and the BD

Minutes: Patricia and Claire
1) Around the RIDEF workshops:

· Long workshops: ask the animators to specify the objectives and the content of the workshop, in their written submission.

· Ask the "older" FIMEM members to animate long workshops (because of their experience)

· Proposals of the Lyon group:
. "Role of the body at school: dance, movement, stage-play" (contact the Spaniards who have maybe planned a workshop on this topic);
. "Information research, creation of documents, such as Btj using an OLPC computer (less than 150 euros) with free software (contact Patricia Quinsac for possible co-animation or coordination of the content);
. "Thinking, debating; devices around the speech, philosophical workshops concerning topics such as" beliefs " (contact Laurence Bouchet and Raphaële Derida)

· Propose a workshop "How to start in Freinet pedagogy? " and/or incorporate this issue in the objectives of other workshops (many requests at the Mexico RIDEF)

· Other requests after Metepec – a workshop "How to manage with mixed classes?"

· The animators should be Freinet practitians as to consider the animation from this point of view.

· Duration of the workshops - proposition that workshops can last several short sessions (two or three days) even if there are not the same participants in each session.

· Consider to have a long workshop (with one theme, with the same participants) and several animators working on the same subject.

· Think of co-animated workshops (animators from different countries ...) - to suggest in the registration form

· Think about making the workshop presentation in the end of the RIDEF in two parts – in the morning and in the afternoon.

2) Demands and suggestions:

· Provide a slot for a commission to be entitled (at least temporarily) "What Future for the FIMEM?”. That workshop should not be in parallel with long workshops so that the most working and experienced persons in the movement could participate. A minimum of three sessions.

· Permanent exhibition on screen of all that can be presented as an archive and memory of the Freinet Pedagogy. Michel can bring the material. He is ready to discuss with others on this proposal and be part of the animators. Where? When?

· RIDEF newspaper: plan its realization during the RIDEF. Ask the workshops and the basic groups to provide materials.

· Provide a place to display tools and works made by the participants.

· It has been suggested to institutionalize a daily schedule (half an hour?) to allow contact and exchange around what has been displayed. The "Strasbourg space" from the ICEM congress 2009 was discussed and appreciated.

· It has been discussed of the interest to make a series of DVDs, from testimonies, sequence of classes, archives on the history of national movements ... Michel has many documents as well as the Amis de Freinet, most likely.
The advantage of such a document would be of several kinds: extension and training, heritage... Michel would be willing to work on a master DVD.

Claire will inquire about the price of the duplication of the DVD.

· The idea of Forum Day is appreciated. It is important to seek teachers from the secondary level

3) Reminders:

· Reimbursment
60% of the RIDEF profit goes to the FIMEM and 40% to the organizing movement.
In case of deficit - it's the same (section 15 of the Internal Regulation):
10% of the subscription fees go to the FIMEM – section 14 of the Internal Regulation (5% for the operation of CA and 5% for Solidarity)

· Ask the ICEM again to make the payments for Solidarity.

· Many complications during RIDEF of Mexico, in order to know precisely what entries to match the nominal payments. Ensure that the registration forms and records of payments correspond to as much detail as possible.

· The BD needs to be informed of all the aid coming through various channels/sources (grants from twinning cities etc.) to evenly allocate the funds of solidarity between the different national movements.
In view of above – remind the Departamental Groups to activate every network of municipalities, councils (...) for a possible grant.

3.3 RIDEF 2012 in Spain
The MCEP members are examining some possibilities concerning the RIDEF 2012 and after few months, probably in March 2010, they will have some news to share with the FIMEM.

COMMISSION ON THE FIMEM CHARTER - some people from Italy, Spain and Mexico are working in that commission. They contact via Skype and e-mail. The proposals are on the site where there is also a table comparing the documents.
Senegal sent a proposal for changes to the Charter of Metepec.
There may be a proposal from Brazil too.
Members of the French movement also working to make a short text.
COMMISSION ON PEDAGOGY - it has been launched, but did not work because of animation problems.

COMMISSION ON GLOBALIZATION AND EDUCATION POLICY – it has no registered members and does not work.
It is important that the Freinet movement keeps its identity, but it could work in a larger movement along with other close movements in order to be stronger together against certain proposals of the Ministers of Education.
Proposal to think of a workshop along with representatives of the movements on this topic at the RIDEF in Nantes.
COMMISSION ON THE WEBSITE - it does not work, which brings up the problem of the future of the site if no one agrees to take care of it after the RIDEF of Nantes.
Art. 3 - The Commission continues to look to former BD members how the previous categorization of the movements has been made and requested data from the movement and published statistics suggest some alternatives to propose amendments to the current categorization.
Luba will boost the appeal on the movement table to update the wage of a teacher after 15 years working in different countries sending an array with data to supplement and / or update
and send information from the annual individual contribution of each movement (December 2009)
In article 16 the Commission replaced the word "may" with the word "duty" (in the French text).

The FIMEM site has been transferred to a new server in early 2009 for EUR 418.60. It will cost us only EUR 329.20 per year, but the sum should cover breakdowns or the site development.
The BD Letter (Lettre du CA) 10 has been completed at the BD meeting in Nice and sent to the movements in November. It is on the FIMEM site as well as the Multinette 4. It helps FIMEM members to easily find information on the site and/or work on it.

COLOMBIA – Freinet educators from Bogota have contacted the BD.
ECUADOR, CHILE, PANAMA - Teresita contacted Freinet schools - Guayaquil in Equador and in Santiago, Chile and relaunched the communications with Panama.
BRAZIL - At the 10th ENEF of Brazil (National Meeting of Freinet Educators) in which Teresita participated a Network of American Educators - RED was founded. There are some FIMEM movements in RED, as well as schools (from Equador and Nicaragua) and educators from other countries. The FIMEM Charter will be uploaded on the site of RED for those groups – they could decide to accept it.
The ABDEPP has a new president - Graca and new responsible persons elected at the 10th ENEF.
Michel will request further information on movements in Brazil. (November 2009) – The list of the members of the new office ABDEPP-ABrEM has been sent.

Luba will ask for information from the members of Nova Escola Galega, SPAIN about their movement. (November 2009) We did not receive any answer, but friends from MCEP let us know that the NEG members have celebrated the 25th anniversary of their movement in 2008.
TUNISIA - Souad has renewed contacts with Freinet educators in Tunisia.
ALGERIA - we have a new contact for Algeria.
GEORGIA - five members of the Georgian Association of Freinet Pedagogy are already registered for the RIDEF in Nantes.They will present their candidacy to become a FIMEM member.
FIMEM FLYER - the flyer prepared in 2008 before the RIDEF of Metepec will be updated for the RIDEF in Nantes. The latest information we have received is in the movements’ page of the site.

* Next BD meeting - in Lyon, on 9th, 10th and 11th April 2010.

* Schedule of Tasks of the BD members - it has been prepared and will be completed during the next months.


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