
Submitted by Jeanne Potin on 01/04/13 – 11:41


If we try to look at our cities and at our social life in different ways, it is possible to start imagining and building a better society.

Motion of BD 13 march recall Saint Louis Appeal

Submitted by Claude Beaunis on 31/03/13 – 10:51



During the International meeting of Freinet teachers which took place in St Louis, Senegal in August, 2006, during a workshop we had discussions with African teachers and teachers from all over the world about the use of children in the wars in Africa and in other parts of the world. Then a text was proposed to the General Assembly of the FIMEM and it was voted unanimously. The FIMEM is sending you this text and is asking you to spread it widely around you and to send it to your government.

The Class Council: Preparing Young People for Democracy

Submitted by Brigitta Kovermann on 18/10/12 – 23:53

According to the recent Deutsche Shell’s Jugendwerk report on German youth, young Germans are not generally apolitical. Young people have difficulties with politics, but the much bigger problem lies on the other side: it’s that politics is reluctant to involve young people.[1] It’s important to young people to have a say and to utilize their competence to contribute. Young people’s wish list for school would include improvements like more small workgroups, more projects, more independent research by themselves, more classroom discussion, to have more say in class planning, a trustful relationship to their teachers.[2] The ways of teaching and learning mentioned by the young themselves promote cooperative learning and democratic skills.