Soumis par Sylviane Amiet le 27/08/18 – 11:46

Directors for the Swedish Freinet Movement 2017-2018


The board:

Inger Nordheden President
David Almlöf
Ulf Pålsson (economi)
Mia Vävare
Mats Ericsson

The board have had 13 board meetings, all on Skype, which nowadays is the way we usualy meet. However once, the 15-16 of August 2017 the board met on Ljungskile Folk High School were all Freinet schools had a network meeting.

Sunday the 22:nd of October the board met at Freinet school Bild & Form in Gothenburg to focus on our coming commitment for Ridef 2018 in Ljungskile the 21-29:th of July 2018. Between the Spype meetings we even discussed on a closed Facebook page.

Though the operation year 2016-2017 seven schools and one pre-school was part of the Swedish Freinet movement. Members, who has paid their fee, was 43 persons. The annual meeting took place in Ljungskile the 16:th of August 2017.

The Freinet movment participated in ”the Almedals-week” 2017 while Inger Nordhden had a speech on a seminar together with ”Ideological Schools organisation”. The theme of the year was ”an equal school for everyone”. Representant from Stiener schools, Montessori pedagogy and Freinet pedagogy described their respective thoughts in the subject and after that different persons from different political parties commented and reacted.

The award of democracy, Open Minds, were not shared 2017. Instead both the award of 2017 and the award of 2018 will be shared during the opening ceremoni of Ridef the 21:sto f July.

Though the operation year Ulf Pålsson and David Almlöf have had recurrent contact with the Folk High School in Ljungskile to end up the discussion concerning the Ridef 2018. As a matter of fact most of the work in the board has been about Ridef 2018. A lot of efforts has been taken to get in contact with Freinet teachers in other countries than Sweden and as a result of that an on going communication has taken place on a Facebook page called ”To organize Ridef 2018”.” The board has also started some other Facebook pages as a help for de coming Ridef 2018, namely ”Chare Freinet-schools”, ”Visiting Stockholm after Ridef” and ”Freinet Ghana”. Even before the facebook page ”The Swedish Freinet Movement” was availible.

The so called ”Stockholm Group” has been formed and have had several meetings about the long Workshops that the ”Stockholm group” will be respondent for during Ridef. Even ”the Gothenburg group” have had meetings to discuss the activities that the Gothenburg group has as their responsibility. That is for example excusions during Ridef but also Pre- and Post Ridef.

In October Katrien Niijs and her husband Arnout from the Freinet-movement i Belgium, visited Freinetschool Kastanjen, Freinetpreschool Lillstrumpan and Freinetscholl Mimer. During one week they visited the three scholls and patricipated in a meeting with the Stockholm group as well. During the time for their staying in Stockholm Mia Vävare and Inger Nordheden have had regularie contact with Katrien who supported them with a lot of technical and practical matters. Katrien has, both before and after her visit to Stockholm been a good ”sparring partner” concerning Ridef, especially for Mia Vävare and David Almlöf.

A so called stab with twenty persons was built to take care of some practical issus during Ridef. Ulf Pålsson and Mats Ericsson was elected to have the main responisbility for keeping contact with the stab. Sometimes they have made phonecalls to contact the stab but also used the facebook page ”To organize Ridef 2018”.

David Almlöf and Mia Vävare has reguarely, on Skype or on messenger, been in contact with the internationell board CA. David Almlöf has been responsible for the organisation about anmälan to Ridef and for sending out fakturor. Mia Vävare has, förutom the main responsibility for the long workshops even have had the responsibility for helping people from for example Africa with Visa and other documents.

The text in the documents in different languages has been formulated by Lena Alexandersson with some help from Inger Nordheden.

During the year a fondracing account has opened to be able to finance two patricipants, one from Ghana and one from India, that have been invited to come to Ridef.

The internet domain has been created and has trough the last year had a lot of visitors. Hamus Eriksson and Mats Eriksson has designed the website and with help from Inger Nordheden they have filled the different pages. The website will regularily be updated and some more Flikar will be added. From this website you also can come in contact with the netbased journal Kaprifol, a journal that more and more is filled with new material.

The translation of Freinets book ”For the peoples school” from Swedish into English has started. Roger Brett is the translator. We plan to have it printed and okey for distrubuting through Ridef 2018.

In the beginning of 2018 one of the grundare of the Swedish Freinet Movent Lars Lindström died. The Movement was repesented on his funeral by Inger Nordheden and Ann and Kjell Pihlgren. The Swedish Freinet movement decieded to give 2000 skr to the fondraisng account to the two patritipants that the Swedish Freinet movement pays for, namely one participant from Ghana and one from India.

Stockholm the 15:th of April 2018.