Sprache wechseln

projet GRUNTVIG RIDEF 2014

Gespeichert von Claude Beaunis am Sa., 17.08.2013 - 13:53

Workshop Reference number:
Reggio nell''Emilia
Date of the Workshop:
21/07/2014 - 30/07/2014
European Urban Tales for the impr
ovement for literacies of adults
Subject area:
Basic skills
Working language(s):
Target Group + Translation
Strategies for helping immigrants
and adults in problematic situat
ions make the transition from
functional to cultural literacy T
eachers, educators, cultural medi
ators and libraria
ns involved in
adult education or L2 teaching 22
(2 of whom from the hosting country)
Main activities Programme
+ Programme translation:
The workshop deals with linguistic
education and reading as means
of democracy and participation.
Reading should be considered as an indispensabl
e instrument for the full realization of active
citizenship. Recent investigations re
veal that one in five adults doe
s not acquire a level of literacy
adequate to her or his practical
and emotional needs. The works
hop will be held
at the XXX Ridef
(Rencontre Internationale des
Educateurs Freinet) meeting,
entitled "Sguardi che cambiano il
mondo. Abitare insieme la città delle bambine e dei
bambini" (“Living together in the city of
children. Gazes that change the world”). It will
offer us the opportunity to focus on “reading the
world” skills with the aim of going beyond a litera
l and limited use of language and reading. We are
going to explore the city in the same way we expl
ore a language we wish to learn, or a story whose
linguistic exploration yields to
us a meaningful experience as opposed to a sense of alienation.
Different working situations are going to be pro
posed to the participants: a) Knowledge exchange
on language teaching and adult literacy teaching syst
ems in the participants
’ countries; sharing of
ideas and skills about urban and social spaces en
couraging or hindering inte
gration and learning. b)
Routes through the city allowing pa
rticipants to direc
tly experience the f
eeling of linguistic
alienation encountered by illiterate
individuals or foreigners, who
are not yet capable of decoding
the language of their host country. c) Reading
and (re)narration of the
explored spaces through
stimuli tied to visual and performance arts; taking pa
rt as spectators in a fo
rum of “Theatre of the
Oppressed”; elaboration through digital technologies
and recycled materials. d) Encounters with
typical realities of the urban environment; use of th
e urban ateliers and visits to the exhibitions of
“Centro Internazionale Loris Malagu
zzi”; contributions by experts.
e) The workshop ends with a re-
examination of the experiences
had during the workshop and with a public presentation of the
produced materials. The workshop
is going to be held
in several languages, with English and
French translation. Translation in six languages
is guaranteed for the collective moments of the
workshop (see point d).
Workshop Organiser:
Contact details:
Via dei Sabelli 119
00185 Roma
Tel: +39 064457228
Mobile: +39 3474802737
E-mail: mceroma@tin.it

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