(Fédération Internationale des Mouvements d Ecole Moderne)

  • The FIMEM is a association of national movements from all over the world declaring support of the popular education and the cooperative education (Freinet pedagogy).
  • The FIMEM is animated by a Board of Directors composed by members from different countries.
  • The FIMEM fundamental body is the General Assembly composed by delegates from different movements meeting every two years.



FIMEM activities ?
The FIMEM supports the contacts and the exchange between teachers and educators concerning the research, the cooperative innovation and the application/practicing of Freinet pedagogy.
The ways the FIMEM acts are the following:

  • International correspondence;
  • organization of seminars, trainings, meetings,
  • exhibitions and different activities;
  • constitution of international working groups;
  • publication of journals and pedagogical tools;
  • information and exchange of Freinet pedagogy practice/practices;
  • organization of the RIDEF (Rencontre Internationale Des Educateurs Freinet) every two years.

The aim of the FIMEM for the coming years is to develop the international cooperation in order to consolidate the practice of the Freinet pedagogy at all continents.



What is the Freinet pedagogy ?

In the beginning of the 20e century Celestin and Elise Freinet were trying to establish contacts between teachers as well as cooperative relations at international level.
The following principle and pedagogical practices inspired their pedagogy:
The natural method in education assures the liberation of the whole creative energy and the respect of the cultural patrimony of both pupils and teachers.
The experimental attempt and the planned work organisation introduced during the first school years help the child to develop its abilities for scientific research.
The cooperative organization contributes actively for the socialization and the solidarity between children.
The free text, the correspondence, the printing, the school magazine, the scientific reports, the audiovisual tools as well as the critical use of the new communicative and production technologies allow the child to get in contact with the reality of the world in the 21e century.