2018 Rapport de la Ridef de Suède

Submetido por Sylviane Amiet a Qua, 2019-12-25 11:07

Report and evaluation
RIDEF 2018 Ljungskile-Sweden


The Swedish Freinet Movement (earlier named KAP) has been a member of FIMEM since the 1970s. Read more about the Swedish Freinet Movement in: http://freinetsverige.se
Twice before we have had the honour of organizing RIDEF: 1978 in Årjäng and 1994 in Hemavan. The third time to candidate for organising the RIDEF in Sweden occurred in discussions with the board and the members. RIDEF 2016 was given to Dogbo Benin, but in Reggio FIMEM decided to let us organise RIDEF in Ljungskile 2018. 


you will find the full report under


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