Mario, Honorary President of the Movement of Educational Cooperation, a member of the Honorary Committee of the XXX the RIDEF, 2014, the generous founder of the House of Arts and Games of Drizzona, and for all the author of ' Cipì ', the ' Soldier of Pim pa pum ', the ' wrong country ', is no longer with us.
Death of founder of Freinet School in Chile
Escuela Celestin Freinet communicates to all the educational community of the School Célestin Freinet, the painful loss of his founder Don Eradio Mardones Oyarzun. Don Eradio was during 33 years, the pioneer, the director and the administrator of a tremendous educational project, which will be its inheritance as well as the education of tens of generations. We send our condolences to each of workers, professionals, teachers, parents and guardians friends andrelatives and specially all the boys and the girls who were formed by his serenity and his energy.
Zofia Napiorkowska died
On December 3rd 2013 Zofia Napiórkowska (1933 - 2013) passed away. She was the leader of C. Freinet pedagogy in Poland, an outstanding educator and a friend of many teachers in Poland and other countries. Since mid 60's she had been a close co-worker of Halina Semenowicz - the pioneer of C. Freinet pedagogy movement in Poland. She searched for free education and fought for it with her writing. She was an author of many articles in pedagogy magazines and an organizer of many conferences and workshops for Polish teachers. In 1992 - 2002 she was the chairwoman of PSAPF.
Murata Eichi
Je viens d'apprendre le décès de Murata survenu le 21 janvier. Son coeur a lâché, il avait 76 ans. Je suis effondrée.