Submitted by Claude Beaunis on 29/10/14 – 13:47


    Gothenburg (Sweden), April 12 - 19, 2014
Fédération Internationale des Mouvements de l'Ecole Moderne
Place/location :
  1. Freinetskolan Bild and Form à Göteborg.
  2. Alternative school at Ljungskile.
  3. Lena Alexanderson's and Göran Billvall’s home at Björkö.
Accomodations :
  • Youth hostel « Stigbergsliden », Göteborg.
  • Ljungskile Folkhögskola (alternative school).
  • Lena Alexanderssons and Göran Billvall's home at Björkö.
 Present : : Pilar Fontevedra (MCEP-Spain) President/chairman
           Renate Niklausen (FK-Germany) Secretary
             Sadikh Diaw (ASEM-Sénégal) Vice president
         François Perdrial (ICEM-France) Treasurer
           Giancarlo Cavinato (MCE-Italy)
Mia Vävare (KAP- Sweden)
Translation : Pilar : Spanish
François and Sadikh : French
                 Renate: German
                  Giancarlo : Italian
  Mia : English
  1. Letter from the president
  2. Planning and organisation of the week in Gothenburg
  3. Organisation of the General Assembly.
  4. Headquarters of the FIMEM
  5. RIDEF 2014 in Reggio
  6. RIDEF 2016 and RIDEF 2018
  7. Moral report
  8. Examination of the movements and countries
  9. Orientations
  10. Payment of the costs for the members of the CA
  11. Work of the BD at Reggio:
1) Letter from the president
2) Planning and organisation of the week in Gothenburg
  1. Organisation of the General Assembly.
The convocations for the GA should arrive before the end of April 30 2014.
The applications from new movements has to arrive before June 30 2014.
The candidacy for the BD has to arrive before the end of June 30 2014.
The agenda of the AG has to be made during this meeting with the BD.
Reports of activities from the movemants that has arrrived until now :
AKS, la FK, le MCE, le MCEP, la NEG, l'ASEM, l'AECEMO, le MEMM, le MEPA, le MREMNN, PSAPF, l'ICEM,le MOUVEN, l'ABEM (Bénin), l'AMEM,les Amis de Freinet, le FGS-GSEM (Switzerland)
We are missing reports from: le FPÖ, le KAP, , l'EP, l'ABDEPP, l'AGPF, le CECF, le GGUJ, l'AIEM, l'AREM, le MBEM, ARSM,
Official documents that has arrived from movements that applies to become members of the FIMEM:REPEF (Brasil).
An activity report is presented from the MEFA (Haiti).
Movements that applies to be members of the FIMM, but their documents has not arrived :ABEM (Burkina-Faso).
Organisation of the tasks of the CA members according to the 3 GA .
The establishment of an official agenda.
Before the first GA, the BD will meet with the delegations from the movements, to recieve proxy and fees, and to study the planning for the GA. This meeting will be Tuesday 22 July, 2 pm.
1:st GA : Tribute to deceased friends: Mario Lodi (Italiy), Kpandang Komla ( Togo), Sofia Napiorkowska ( Polonia), Eradio Mardonez ( Chile) and Mimi Thomas (Amis de Freinet – France). A notebook will be filed so that the congress participants will have the possibility to write some words. We have written to five movements to inform them about this.
21/07 - 30/07 2014
Reggio nell'Emilia (Italie)
Installation du président et du secrétaire de l’AG.
Installation of a president and a secretary of the GA.
Insediamento del presidente e del segretario dell’A.G.
Bienvenue et présentations des différentes délégations.
Welcome and presentation of the different delegations.
Saluti e presentazione delle diverse delegazioni
Présentation des délégués et décompte des voix.
Presentation of the delegates and calculation of the votes.
Presentazione dei delegati e calcolo dei voti
Présentation des candidats au CA.
Introducing candidates for the BD.
Presentazione delle candidature al CA.
Présentation des mouvements candidats comme membres de la FIMEM.
Introducing of new movements as members of FIMEM.
Presentazione dei movimenti candidati come membri FIMEM.
Rapport moral 2012-2014.
Moral report 2012-2014.
Rapporto Morale
Informazione sulle attività della FIMEM 2012-2014.
Rapport financier 2012-2014.
Financial report 2012-2014.
Rapporto economico 2012-2014
Décharge du CA.
Approval of the BD.
Votazione sulla gestione del CA 2012-2014
Budgets prévisionnels 2014-2016.
Preliminary budgets 2014-2016.
Bilancio preventivo
RIDEF 2016 au Bénin.
RIDEF 2016 in Benin.
RIDEF 2016 in Benin.
Propositions pour la RIDEF 2018 et suivantes.
Proposal for the RIDEF 2018 and next dates.
Proposte per la RIDEF 2018 e successive.
Débat : Laïcité, religion et Charte de l'Ecole Moderne
Debate : Secularism, religion and Modern School Cart
Dibattito: Laicità, religione, carta della Scuola Moderna
Questions financières pour les frais du CA.
Financial questions about BD expenses
Problemi finanziari dovuti ai costi del C.A.
Siège social de la FIMEM
Social place of FIMEM
Sede sociale della FIMEM
Elections :
-des candidats au CA.
-des nouveaux membres de la FIMEM.
-des commissaires aux comptes.
- of the candidates for the BD.
- of the new members of FIMEM.
- of the auditors.
-dei candidati al CA.
-dei nuovi movimenti membri FIMEM
- dei revisori dei conti
Questions diverses.
Different questions.
4) Siège social de la FIMEM
The FIMEM has found it necessary to change to the adresss of the headquarters for two reasons : The first reason is that the official headquarters is at the adress of an ancient treasurer, that left the CA at 2000. The second reason is that twe were refused a subvention from the region Pays-de-la Loire for the book about Childrens’s rights, because the headquarters are in the region Poitou-Charentes.
That pushed the BD to change the adress of the headquarters to the region Pays-de Loire à Mayenne, at the same place as the Amis de Freinet.
See deliberation at the end!
5) RIDEF 2014 à Reggio
200 registered participants until the date 14 April 2014. There are some difficulties with the registration of participants and the registration of workshops, as well as with the payment.
12 long workshops, but not so many long workshops has been proposed by other countries than Italy.
41 short workshops until now.
Monday 21st July at 3.00 pm: Presentation of the long workshops.
Five plenary meetings:
Round table discussions:
What persons would be invited?There is sponsorship from the Italian UNESCO committee, but not from international UNESCO.
There will be three round table discussions at the RIDEF:
1-Opening plenary:
Pilar opens the 30th RIDEF, and then the presentation of the participating countries will be done y Mia.
Giancarlo will make a presentation of the theme.
Pilar and 4 invited persons will speak about a subject from the theme linked to the city (10 minutes each) and launch the theme of the RIDEF.
2-Presentation of the book (Wednesday 23 July at 5.15 pm)
François presents the history and the technical points of his work.
Pilar presents the philosophy and the right of expression.
Leonardo speaks about the possibilities to use the book (schools, libraries, university).
Jean le Gal – if he accepts – will be the coordinator (Francois will ask him).
2000 books: 500 copies for the RIDEF, 50 for François (IDEM44, Region des Pays de La Loire, 250 for the Région Emilie-Romagne, 40 for the movements, 150 for the region of Venice, 50 for the African countries that have participated.
An introduction will be written by Pilar and Cannevaro.
Title: « Non tacere », « ne pas se taire » in French was not chosen, we preferred:
« On ne doit jamais se taire »
« Ne jamais se taire » (We will not be silent!)
with a subtitle « Droits violés, droits reconnus de l'enfance »,
129 texts mainly in Spanish, Italian and French.
See deliberation at the end!
3 and 4- Round table discussion: (Tuesday 22 July)
Compass: Children's rights around the world.  
The forum days : 2 round tables: “The city around the children” (“it takes a whole village to educate a child”) and “a pedagogical view.”
Forum days:
Open doors: Visiting the area of Reggio Children, the “Ray of light”, looking at the booths of associated partners.
Afternoon: The Short Workshops will be open for visitors.
Forum Theatre: answering a questionnaire from the actors.
Making a special folder for the Forum Day.
5-The last plenary- Evaluation of the RIDEF:
Evaluation and syntheses that could serve as a basis and advocacy for the RIDEF 2016 in Benin with a view to citizenship of children. The MCE may propose a document and the FIMEM will discuss it as consultation.
Making a poster – kakemonos- that shows the resolutions from the theme of the RIDEF. This poster will be shown at the following meetings.
There will be seven places for excursions with bus: Apennines (powerhouse), Modena, Rimini (CEIS), Parma, Bologna, Piacenza, Ferrare,
Intercultural evenings: only two
Cinema: “l’école buissonnière” - subtitles in Italian - will rather be shown in a short workshop (3 hours).
There are too few drawings for the “Village of the world”. The texts not published in the book about children’s rights. There will be places for this at the school. There will also be several computers for watching videos.
Cooperative meal:
We have to think about: hard work, what to do with the surplus, organisation of stocks.
The budget shows incomings of 231,729 euro. Solidarity is rising 24 000 euro the grants are
39 000 euro.
Spending: According to the fact that the MCE has received a lot of solidarity, the BD of the FIMEM proposes a transformation of 9 000 euro in to parts: 5000 euro for solidarity and 4000 euro for the organisation that in the budget will be called « help for organisation - CA Göteborg ».
See deliberations at the end!
Presentation of the Swedish movement: The BD of the Swedish movement presented themselves to us. Inger Nordheden (the President) made a presentation in PowerPoint of ho the Swedish movement is formed around the so called “free schools”. The Swedish movement has about 100 members.
After that Giancarlo presented another PowerPoint about the theme of the RIDEF in Reggio.
Decisions about solidarity. See deliberation at the end!
  1. RIDEF 2016 and 2018
RIDEF 2016
The BD of the FIMEM has executed what GA has told them to do. That means that they have sent a delegation to Benin to investigate the possibility to implement RIDEF 2016. The delegation comprised of Marta Fontana, Sylviane Amiet and Giancarlo Cavinato.
Giancarlo presented the report from the tour of the tour of the delegation from the BD of FIMEM to Benin.
You will find the complete report at the website of FIMEM:
The impression of the place for the workshops and conference (Dogbo, 20 km from Lokossa) is relatively positive, and a little bit less positive according to the accommodations in this place. But there are hotels near of the place of the RIDEF.
Arcade de Nantes:
If FIMEM asks Arcade for a partnership, we must contact the ABEM before asking. We have to know what kind of proposition ABEM could offer to Arcade in Benin. In return Arcade in France could offer to send material for the RIDEF.
Budget for the RIDEF:
The ABEM has sent a forecast of the budget for the RIDEF. They will have to correct it according to 5% of the amount received from the registrations from the RIDEF in Italy.
See deliberation at the end!
RIDEF 2018
Visit of Ljungskile Folkhögskola (Sweden):
We have visited this school that could be the place of the RIDEF 2018. It is a very nice and modern place, with a very good appearance and a beautiful view of the fjord. There is a small auditorium, a large gymnasium and many conference-rooms. There are rooms for 240 persons, and there are places for camping-cars and tents. The food is of good quality, and the beds are comfortable.
The price proposed to the Swedish group is 182 000 euro for 300 persons, which will give a price of 600 euro/ person. It seems too high and the CA has asked the Swedish group to negotiate the price.
See deliberation at the end!
  1. Moral report
Report from the movements of the FIMEM:
The reports from the activities of the different movements are found on the FIMEM website, at the tab on the right side « Activity reports »
at the link: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Moral report from the BD:
Activities of the BD of the FIMEM for the period of July 2012 - June 2014.
The BD, following the directives from the GA has supported the actions of those movements that are opposing the destruction of public schools, especially the struggle that has been developed by the Mexican movements – the MEPA and the MMEM – and that is still going on.
Since the last RIDEF: s (Nantes, Leon and Reggio Emilia) the solidarity actions have increased as the money is making it possible for people to participate in the RIDEF.
The BD has sought the group that organises the RIDEF to invite teachers from Palestine to the next RIDEF. With help from Ave Georges Bellot, Lucia Biondelli and Daniele Bianchi, 4 Palestinians will come.
According to the book about Children’s rights, the BD has made an appeal to all movements, has classified and conserved the documents in Dropbox. We are now in the process of editing the book. We have help from the association l'Effrene-tic (journey of Gaspard and Leticia in Africa)
The group from Italy that is organising the RIDEF has continued the contacts with UNESCO. This work was initialized at the RIDEF in Nantes by the organizers of the IDEM 44 and of those from MCEP that have obtained the official patronage of the UNESCO.
Throughout those two years, the BD has communicated with the movements - about information, meetings, congresses and training courses - by emails, the website and on Facebook, but many times the BD has not received any answers...
We hope that in the future the movements will answer and that there will be a more powerful engagement in the activities of FIMEM at the internet and in other media.
Concerning the organisation of RIDEF, the BD has followed and supported the work of the organisation group, helping them to overcome the difficulties that have occurred.
BD has supported the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Cameroun movement, AECEMO. Joël Potin has represented the FIMEM during the first “salon”.
François Perdrial, Giancarlo Cavinato and Pilar Fontevedra - members of the BD – attended the congress of the ICEM in Caen in August 2013.
Giancarlo has met the Portuguese movement and a departmental group from the south-east of France; he has attended the congress of the Spanish movement, MCEP, and has been to Benin to participate in their meetings. He is also secretary of the Italian movement, MCE.
Pilar has attended the congress of the Spanish movement, MCEP.
François has met a representative from the Quebec movement (CQEM), which will restart at Montreal.
Mia has attended the congress of the Swedish movement (FRiS-KAP) and is a member of the BD in this movement.
Renate has attended the congresses of the two German movements.
Sadikh has attended the meetings and formations of the Senegal movement
Website of the FIMEM:
The site has been managed by Claude Beaunis and François. The site functions in a satisfying way, and the documents from the activities of the movements that we have received are published on the site. Since the RIDEF in Leon the site has grown, and you can now find about 400 documents there. The information belongs to the movements and is being updated continually. There are three levels of reading: for everyone, for the members of FIMEM and only for the BD.
Information about the FIMEM and the life of our movements can also be found at Facebook : The information is updated daily.
Interpellation to the BD from Education Populaire about secularism at the RIDEF. Texts about secularism can be found at the “philosophical space” at the website. xxxxxxxxxxx
See deliberation at the end!
Discussion about the fact a great part of the costs of the CA is supported by the A-countries that are members of the BD. The BD proposes a change of the Article no 7 of the Internal Regulation
See deliberation at the end!
  1. Tour of movements and countries
Teresita Garduno, delegate for Latin America, sent us the report of her work, inside of Red America, we can read it on the website,
ALGERIA: no contact, Kader Bakhti (Amis de Freinet) has made 2 conferences
GERMANY: 2 movements.
ANDORRA : Alexandrine Gerrer ? no contact
ARGENTINA : Primary teachers that will come to the RIDEF. The direction of urban planning architect of Buenos Aires
AUSTRIA: The group FPÖ meets together actually
BELGIUM: 2 movements with one with Netherlands
BULGARIA : few news of movement
BRAZIL : 2 groups and one in formatio
BURKINA FASO: ABEM just creates
CANADA : Newbirth of movement in Québec
CHINA : Contacts by O. Francomme
COLOMBIA : Contacts with Amalaka School and Maestra Vida School
CONGO : Contacts with CEMEA with Christian Bushili Ongala
Jacques Cabongo (Cemea Congo)
IVOIRY COAST : No recents news
DANMARK : No movement
SPAIN :2 movements- OK
ESTONIA : No movement
UNITED STATES : many relationship with Reggio children ( Gardner, Bruner)
FINLAND : We hope some contacts begin at the RIDEF
GEORGIA : We are waiting informations
GREECE :2 persons in the Grundtvig project + 1
HAITI : Movement which just birth
JAPAN : contacts actually
LEBANON : 2 persons at the RIDEF
MALI : No real contacts
PALESTINA : Two persons presnt at the RIDEF
PANAMA : No news from Freinet School
NETHERLANDS : with Flemish Belgium _OK
PORTUGAL: it doesn’t want to participate of the FIMEM and RIDEF
ROMANIA : Few news
RUSSIA : Recent news, nobody at the RIDEF.
TUNISIA : no contact
URUGUAY : Group in formation
  1. Orientations:
Reflexions from the BD 2012-2014 :The distribution between the movements of A, B and C-countries seems outdated, given the standard of living on this planet, the yearly subscription for the FIMEM and the registration fees for the RIDEF.
The BD cooperates with the ABEM in the organisation of the RIDEF, as well as with the Swedish movement.
The FIMEM intends to establish and maintain relations with the national and international organisations that works for defending the rights of children, our pedagogy and other associations partenaires de l’école.
Improve the philosophical space.
Keep the documents – the memory of the FIMEM – together with Amis de Freinet and their researchers.
Solliciter les mouvements   de s’engager  sur la connaissance comme un bien commun
Strengthen the relations with the movements, and keep asking them for sending their reports of their activities to CA or write on the website, to share them with all of us.
At the language groups ask the movements in what ways they work to improve and defend our pedagogy.
Work for that the new generations of teachers will join our movements. Make a foundation that will give scholarships to young teachers that will attend RIDEF.
Make a journal that will reflect the diversity of our movement, and distribute it at the next RIDEF (2016). The journal will have 32 pages, one for each movement of the FIMEM.
9) The orientations are made and sent with the convocation to the GA.
10) Payment of the costs for the members of the BD.
11) Work of the BD at Reggio:
In Reggio, the BD will meet Sunday 20 July at 3 pm, and Monday 21 July in the morning.
The BD will prepare the GA and during the RIDEF the BD will meet every morning at the time of the long workshops, except the excursion day.
Deliberation n°2014-01: The BD of the FIMEM has decided to change the headquarters of the FIMEM to Mayenne (France) together with the Amis de Freinet.
Deliberation n°2014 -02: The BD of the FIMEM has decided to print 1500 books about Children’s rights. They will be distributed as follows: Participants of the RIDEF at Reggio Emilia (500), to the Region Pays de le Loire and to the participating schools in this region (50), to the Region Emilia Romagna and to participating schools in this region (250), to the Region of Venice (150) to the movements (40) and to participating schools of the African movements (50) and the rest to the MCE (Italy).
Deliberation n°2014-03: The BD has decided to transform 4 000 euro as a general subvention to the RIDEF 2014, to support the organisation. As the Italian movement has modified their preliminary budget in order to make it balanced, the BD agrees to the modifications they have done and approves the budget.
Deliberation n°2014-04: RIDEF 2016: The CA of the FIMEM, after having examined the budget and fulfilled the task of visiting the place, has got a positive impression of the organisation of the RIDEF 2016 in Benin.
Deliberation n°2014-05: The BD of the FIMEM - after receiving the requests of soldarity supports from B and C countries and on recommendation of Georges Bellot (delegate of the BD with responsability for the relations with Palestine) - has decided to support the movements and persons as follows:
  • BENIN 3 persons ‘commission zero’ for the RIDEF 2016
Edouard Dohou, Toussaint Ahoui, Christophe Amoussou
  • SENEGAL :1 person Badara Sall (FIMEM)
  • TOGO : 1 person Takougnadi Kemelou (FIMEM)
  • CAMEROUN : 1 person Mbouda Jean Luc (FIMEM)
  • BURKINA FASO :1person Sawadogo Youssuf (FIMEM)
  • COTE D’IVOIRE : 1 person ? (FIMEM)
  • MAROC 2 persons : Rashid Ben Salah
  • Hala Yamari (FIMEM)
  • PALESTINE : 2 persons Abdelfattah Abousrour
Hala Rashed Yamany (MCE)
* LIBAN : 2 persons Huda Huthman
Saliha Said Alwannas (MCE)
* GEORGIE : 2 persons Marine Shukakidzè
Nino Barbakadzé (MCE)
* ROUMANIE : 2 persons Kislaki Eunika
(payed from MCE by the GRUNDTVIG-project)
Kor Maria (MCE)
  • POLOGNE payment as B country
  • RUSSIE : 2 persons Nekrasova Ljudmila
Klepneva Elena (MCE)
  • HAITI help 1500 € MCE + FK ( 2 persons ?)
  • COLOMBIE help 1500 € 3 persons Leonel Plazas
Nancy Esperanza Bolaños
Omar Nuñez Muñoz MCE + FK
  • URUGUAY help 1000 € Noelja Trejos help 1000 € MCE
Deliberation n°2014-06: RIDEF 2018: The Swedish movement has proposed a place for the RIDEF 2018: Ljungskile Folkhögskola. The BD has visited this school, and found it very good, but the price is too high. The BD demands the Swedish movement to negotiate the price.
Deliberation n°2014-07: The BD has decided to change the text of article no 7 of the Internal Reglement as follows:
“ The FIMEM refunds all the costs for the BD members, and asks the movements to make a contribution called « contribution for the costs of the BD » together with the annual fee, if they have the possibility.
The FIMEM will also refund the costs for the controller of the financial report, who meets with the treasurer, for the maximum of one occasion between two RIDEFs.”
Deliberation n°2014-08: The BD of the FIMEM, according to question from the movement Education Populaire (Belgium), has decided to organise a debate during the RIDEF 2014 in Reggio, about the theme « Secularism, religion and the Cart of Modern School ».



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