Hangzhou Freinet Education Centre: the new school year has begun...

Enviado por Olivier Francomme el Mar, 25/09/2012 - 09:10

In the new school year 2012-2013, Hangzhou Freinet Education Centre welcome seven new students and three new teachers: Miss Dong, Chinese kindergarten teacher; Christy, English and arts teacher; and Paskal ,French teacher mother tongue.

We also welcome two very special students: Feifei and Meimei, who are the two mascots of the school. They share the lives of students, listen to their secrets and attend their workshops.

Every Friday after school, Feifei goes to a student’s house to share his life during the weekend time. Feifei holds with his bag in which there is his lifebook. The student can draw, paste photos, tickets, leaves... and tell their weekend life under the dictation of the adult. On Monday morning, the student tells about what they both did on the weekend to the class.

Among the changes in this new school year, there is new classroom that is more spacious, the lunch menu which now includes two Western meals per week, and finally each month, the children will perform role plays on various themes.

We have programed a school trip to Confucius temple to collect leaves in October, and thus celebrate the arrival of autumn.


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