English bibliography

Inviato da Michel Mulat il 02/12/16 – 15:07


Il nous est souvent demandé une bibliographie des publications de Freinet ou sur sa pédagogie, en langue anglaise. Aidez-nous à critiquer la suivante et à la compléter. Il pourrait être intéressant de faire la même chose en toutes langues.


Nicholas Beattie _The Freinet Movements of France, Germany, Italy, 1920-2000_, Edwin Mellen Press, 2002

(Les 2/3 du livre sont consacrés à la France, et étudient non seulement la vie de Freinet, mais surtout les applications des techniques et l'esprit qu'elles supposent)

French Elementary Education and the École Moderne_ De Lee and Sivell, 2000. Les derniers chapitres sont un peu trop optimistes.

English bibliography - On Freinet 1997


FREINET, C. (1990a) : Cooperative Learning and Social Change: Selected writings of Celestin Freinet.(D. Clandfield and J. Sivell Eds.& Trans.). Translated excerpts with historical introduction. Toronto: Our Schools Our Selves/O.I.S.E. Press.


FREINET, C. (1990b) : The wisdom of Matthew. (J.Sivell, Trans.).Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. (Original work published in 1959).


FREINET, C. (1993) : Education through work. (J. Sivell, Trans.). Lewiston NY: Edwin Mellen Press. (Original work published in 1949 and revised in 1967.)


LEE, W. (1977) : "Celestin Freinet The French Dewey", in J. J.JELINEK  (Ed.) : Philosophy of education in cultural perspective: Essays commemorating the twentyfifth anniversary of the Far Western Philosophy of Education Society. Tempe, Arizona: Far Western Philsophy of Education Society, pp. 422431.


LEE, W. B. (1980) : "Ecole Moderne Pedagogie Freinet:  Educational Bonesetters", in : Phi Delta Kappan, 61, pp. 341345.


LEE, W.B. (1983a) : "Celestin Freinet: The Unknown Reformer", in : Educational Forum, 48, pp. 97113.


LEE, W. (1983b) : "The Child Centered Radicalism of the Ecole Moderne", in : Journal of Abstracts in International Education,12 (1), pp. 727.


LEE, W. (1983c) : "Classrooms of the Ecole Moderne", in Earl GROSSEN (Ed) :  Philosophy of Education, Proceedings, 1983. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Publications, pp. 110123.


LEE, W.B. (1993) : "Freinet Pedagogy: An Alternative Approach to Traditional Schools", in : Canadian Social Studies, 27(4), pp. 146-151.


LEE, W.B. (1994) : "John Dewey and Celestin Freinet: A Closer Look", in : J. SIVELL (Ed) : Freinet Pedagogy Theory and Practice. Lewiston, NY : Edwin Mellen Press, pp. 13-26.


LEE,  W.B. (1994) : . "Freinet pedagogy", in : C. CHAMBERLIN (Ed) : Don't tell us it can't be done: Alternative Classrooms in Canada and abroad . Toronto:  Althouse & Our Schools/ Ourselves.


LEE, W.B. / KAZLAUSKAS, E. (1995) : "The Ecole Moderne: Another perspective on educational technology", in : Educational Technology 35 (2), pp. 14-20.


LEE, W.B.  (1997) : "Book Review: Brave New Schools: Challenging Cultural Illiteracy", in : Comparative Education  Review, 41 (2), pp. 226-228.


MIALARET, (1985) : "Freinet Method", in : T. HUSEN / T. POSTELETHWAITE (Eds) : The International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford, England: Permagaon Press, Vol. IV, pp. 1972 - 1974.


MIALARET, (1985) : "School Cooperatives", in : T. HUSEN / T. POSTELETHWAITE (Eds) : The International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford, England: Permagaon Press, Vol. VIII, pp.4515- 4516).


OSLER, A. / STARKEY, H., "The Freinet Movement", in : OSLER, A. / STARKEY, H. (Eds) : Teacher Education and Human Rights. London: David Fulton, pp. 142-144.


Unpublished papers

Lee, W.B. (1996, August). The Ecole Moderne: Why Not in the United States? Paper presented at the bi-annual meeting of the Intstit Cooperatif de l’Ecole Moderne (ICEM), Valbonne, France.


Lee, W.B. (1997) : "The Ecole Moderne, An International Movement". Paper presented at the International Seminar on Freinet Pedagogy, London, England. Will be publised in : Actes du Séminaire international de la pédagogie Freinet.


Lee, W.B. (1988, March). Celestin Freinet and the Ecole Moderne: A Pedagogical Choice and a Social and Political Commitment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Buffalo, NY.



LEE, William B. / SIVELL, J. (2000) : French Elementary Education and the École Moderne, Bloomington (U.S.A.), Phi Delta Kappa International.



International Bibliography of Freinet Pedagogy

selected by Gerald Schlemminger

ACKER, Victor (2000) : Célestin Freinet: A Most Unappreciated Educator in the Anglophone World. Westport: Greenwood Press.

FREINET, Célestin (1990): Cooperative Learning and Social Change: Selected writings of Celestin Freinet. (D. Clandfield and J. Sivell Eds. & Trans.). Translated excerpts with historical introduction. Toronto: Our Schools Our Selves / O.I.S.E. Press.

FREINET, Célestin (1990): The wisdom of Matthew. (J.Sivell, Trans.).Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. [Original work published in 1959].

FREINET, Célestin (1993): Education through work. (J. Sivell, Trans.). Lewiston NY: Edwin Mellen Press. [Original work published in 1949 and revised in 1967.]

LEE, William B. / SIVELL, John (2000): French Elementary Education and the École Moderne, Bloomington (U.S.A.), Phi Delta Kappa International.

LEFRANC, Yannick (Ed.) (1999) : Plaisir d'apprendre et travail coopératif. Les methodes éducatives et la philosophie pratique de Célestin Freinet. Actes du séminaire international organisé par le Bureau de Coopération Linguistique et Educative du SERVICE CULTURELde  AMBASSADE DE FRANCE A LONDRES à l'Alliance française de Londres les 6 et 7 juin 1997. Londres: édition de l'Ambassade.

SCHLEMMINGER, Gerald (1997) : « History of Freinet Pedagogy” LEFRANC, Yannick (ed.) (1999) : Plaisir d'apprendre et travail coopératif. Les methodes éducatives et la philosophie pratique de Célestin Freinet. Actes du séminaire international organisé par le Bureau de Coopération Linguistique et Educative du SERVICE CULTURELde  AMBASSADE DE FRANCE A LONDRES à l'Alliance française de Londres les 6 et 7 juin 1997, Londres, édition de l'Ambassade. Online : http://freinet.org/icem/history.htm

Envoyé par Henry Landroit - octobre 2016

Complément envoyé par Josette Ueberschlag

"The Freinet movements of France, Italy and Germany, 1920-2000. Versions of Educational Progressivism" by Nicholas M Beattie, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2002. Collection Mellen Studies in Education n°74. ISBN 0-7734-7020-4.
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